Get Free Compute Credits

To earn free GPU compute credits from DataCrunch, we're looking for engaging and informative content that brings our services to life and helps other ML engineers in their work.

Here's what you need to do:

Choose Your Medium

Create a blog post or a YouTube video. Both are equally valued, so pick the format you're most comfortable with.

Select a Relevant Topic

Focus on a practical aspect of using DataCrunch for machine learning tasks. This could be:

  • A tutorial on setting up a specific ML model on our GPU instances

  • A case study of a project you completed using our services

  • A comparison of DataCrunch with other cloud GPU providers you have tried

  • Tips for optimizing GPU usage and managing costs on our platform

Create Your Content

For blog posts:

  • Aim for a length of 1000-2000 words

  • Include code snippets, screenshots, and performance metrics where relevant

  • Use clear, concise language suitable for a technical audience

  • Structure your post with headings, subheadings, and bullet points for readability

For videos:

  • Aim for a length of 5-10 minutes

  • Include screen recordings of you using the DataCrunch platform

  • Provide clear verbal explanations of what you're doing

  • If possible, use captions or on-screen text to highlight key points

Content Requirements

Regardless of the format, your content should:

  • Clearly mention and show DataCrunch being used

  • Provide practical, actionable information for other ML engineers

  • Be original and not simply a rehash of our documentation

  • Maintain a professional tone while being engaging

  • Be accurate in its representation of our services

Contact Us

Reach out to us first and share what you plan to publish.

Review Process:

  • We'll review your submission to ensure it meets our guidelines

  • This process typically takes 1-2 business days

  • We may reach out if we need any clarifications or have suggestions

Contact us at or through chat on our website.

Receive Your Credits

If your content is approved, we'll add the free credits to your DataCrunch account. The amount of credits will depend on the quality and depth of your content. We'll notify you by email when the credits have been added.

Usage of Credits

  • The free credits do not expire

  • Use them for any compute tasks on our platform

  • Standard usage policies apply to these credits

8. Feedback and Iterations:

  • We value ongoing relationships with content creators

  • If you're interested in creating more content, let us know

  • We can provide feedback and suggestions for future topics

Let's see what you create ✨

Remember, the goal is to create content that genuinely helps other ML engineers while showcasing the benefits of using DataCrunch. Be honest, be helpful, and let your experience with our platform shine through in your content.

We look forward to seeing what you create and helping you access our powerful GPU resources for your ML projects!

Contact us with any questions at or through chat on our website.

Last updated